Our professional team at Queen Street Dental shares a united commitment to staying abreast of best practice dental procedures via a program of continuing education, professional group membership and regular attendance at industry seminars and conferences.
Our reception staff will ask you to complete a New Patient Questionnaire and Medical Questionnaire which will form the basis of a long-term dental preventative program which addresses your individual needs and circumstances.
If possible you should also bring the following items to your first appointment:
Letter from your referring dentist, if applicable
Any existing dental x-rays
List of any medications you are currently taking
If a member, your Private Health Fund card
If you are in any way overly anxious about your first visit, we urge you to openly discuss this with your dentist, who you will find is highly receptive to, and understanding of, any concerns you may express. At the first visit your dentist will also talk to you openly about your needs and expectations in relation to on-going dental care and oral hygiene.
Following your examination and this discussion, your dentist will provide an overview of your current dental health and what, if any, follow-up treatments are suggested, along with a broad outline of the costs and time involved. In many instances there will be a
range of treatment options available to you, and again, these will be fully discussed, along with the outcomes each provides.
If you are a regular patient and your personal details (e.g. business phone number, home address etc) have changed since your last visit, for your convenience you can complete and email a New Patient Questionaire to our office.